Vi anmelder forhandlere ud fra omfattende test og research, men tager også højde for din feedback, og vores affiliate kommision med udbydere. Nogle udbydere er ejet af vores moderselskab.
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vpnMentor blev stiftet i 2014, for at anmelde VPN tjenester og dække privatlivsrelaterede artikler. I dag fortsætter vores team af hundredvis af cybersikkerheds researchere, skribenter og redaktører, med at hjælpe læserne med at kæmpe for deres ret til online frihed, i samarbejde med Kape Technologies PLC, som også ejer følgende produkter:, ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Private Internet Access og Intego, som kan blive anmeldt på denne hjemmeside. Anmeldelserne udgivet på vpnMentor menes som værende korrekte på udgivelsesdatoen for hver artikel, og skrevet i overensstemmelse med vores strenge gennemgangs standarder, som prioriterer professionelle og ærlige undersøgelser foretaget af anmelderen, og tager højde for de tekniske kapabiliteter og kvaliteter af produktet, sammenholdt med dets kommercielle værdi for brugerne. Rangeringerne og anmeldelserne vi udgiver på siden, kan også tage højde for det fælles ejerskab nævnt ovenfor, og affiliate honorarer vi tjener på køb gennem links på vores hjemmeside. Vi anmelder ikke alle VPN udbydere, og informationen menes at være korrekt ved datoen for hver artkel.

vpnMentor blev stiftet i 2014, for at anmelde VPN tjenester og dække privatlivsrelaterede artikler. I dag fortsætter vores team af hundredvis af cybersikkerheds researchere, skribenter og redaktører, med at hjælpe læserne med at kæmpe for deres ret til online frihed, i samarbejde med Kape Technologies PLC, som også ejer følgende produkter:, ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Private Internet Access og Intego, som kan blive anmeldt på denne hjemmeside. Anmeldelserne udgivet på vpnMentor menes som værende korrekte på udgivelsesdatoen for hver artikel, og skrevet i overensstemmelse med vores strenge gennemgangs standarder, som prioriterer professionelle og ærlige undersøgelser foretaget af anmelderen, og tager højde for de tekniske kapabiliteter og kvaliteter af produktet, sammenholdt med dets kommercielle værdi for brugerne. Rangeringerne og anmeldelserne vi udgiver på siden, kan også tage højde for det fælles ejerskab nævnt ovenfor, og affiliate honorarer vi tjener på køb gennem links på vores hjemmeside. Vi anmelder ikke alle VPN udbydere, og informationen menes at være korrekt ved datoen for hver artkel.

TorGuard vs Trust.Zone 2025

    Redaktørens bemærkning: Gennemsigtighed og upartiskhed er vigtigt for os, når vi giver dig vores foretrukne udvalg af VPN'er. Nogle af de bedte produkter på vores liste, herunder Intego, Private Internet Access, CyberGhost og ExpressVPN, ejes af Kape Technologies, som er vores moderselskab. De VPN'er, vi vælger, er fundet gennem en grundig testproces.

    Vores Vurdering

    Funktioner 6.6/10
    Prissætning 5.0/10
    Brugervenlighed 5.5/10
    Pålidelighed og support 6.8/10
    Funktioner 5.1/10
    Prissætning 7.0/10
    Brugervenlighed 5.4/10
    Pålidelighed og support 6.0/10


    Anmeldelse af vores ekspert
    Author Image Doris Muthuri
    Doris Muthuri Senior Skribent
    Vores score: 6.6/10

    TorGuard is an expensive service that focuses on keeping you safe while torrenting. However, it makes you jump through a lot of hoops to access its free trial, and the same is true for its refund policy. This really made me wonder whether this high-cost VPN is worth it. Overall, TorGuard is an okay VPN, but better alternatives are available. It offers excellent speeds and robust security featu...

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    Seneste positive bruger anmeldelser
    Love Torguard

    I have used several VPNs over the years and got blocked by Netflix or Amazon, etc. I went with Torgua... rd and I did have to get a personal IP address at an additional cost. But anytime there is any issue, they are right there and helping. They may have to change your IP address, but they do what they promise. I switched to their annual plan and I don’t see anyone with a much better price than what I am paying. I also have a free email address that I don’t use much, but a few people have it, so I keep it and use it. I consider trying someone else once in a while but am afraid if I do that, if I’m not happy and come back to them, the price will be higher. I honestly, don’t see why they aren’t more highly recommended. Also, I find them very patient, as I am not so young and not always great with current technology. They have been great with me.Mere

    Seneste negative bruger anmeldelser
    Does not work with firestick

    Their VPN does not work with 1st gen firesticks. They did not post this on their site. I paid $60 for ... a 1-year membership. After 7 days got a notice from Spectrum 18 complaints "Notice of Copyright Infringement" emails from the spectrum. Contact billing for refund, they gave me the runaround and kept asking the same questions over and over again. Then told me a refund is not available after 7 days. However, it takes spectrum over 7 days to send a complaint and they never said it didn't work with 1st gen firestick. Also, the app connected to vpn through the firestick and never said it had an issue. So this company is scamming, do not use it if you want to get a "Notice of Copyright Infringement" letter from Spectrum and no refund.Mere

    Anmeldelse af vores ekspert
    Author Image Matthew Amos
    Matthew Amos Senior Editor
    Vores score: 5.1/10

    You can tell from its name that Trust.Zone markets itself as a privacy-friendly VPN. While it doesn't log your data, there have been many complaints about “Trust Zone”. This includes reports of buggy apps and an inadequate refund policy. So, my team and I performed extensive tests on all its features to see if it’s safe, fast, and trustworthy enough to try. After all our tests, I can say ...

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    Seneste positive bruger anmeldelser
    6 years with TZ and no real complaints

    What to say about Trust Zone? Well, for $39.95 for a year compared to the next 'recommended' VPN comp... any at more than double that I can't see a good reason to leave Trust Zone, at all! Issues - It's literally only been this year that I've been experiencing problems, support has always gotten back to me within about 48hrs, not on weekends or evenings, which could be a potential problem. However, I've always been able to follow their instructions and fixed any errors that have occurred, uninstalling and reinstalling are simple and I've found that fixed any seemingly annoying problem, and it doesn't take more than 5mins to do that! Sometimes (I used UK servers mostly, based there) the server can get a little slow, or seem to stop, but I just flick over to another UK server or Germany is another fave and no more problem for 99% of the time I've ever had any issues. Benefits - For the price Trust Zone VPN is 'IMHO' truly great value for money and the privacy and security could be no better from everything that I've read, even on here. I bought Nord VPN yesterday as I was getting connectivity issues and wanted to see if it was TZ, it wasn't and now I've got to wait a week for my refund from Nord VPN, I wasn't impressed at all and it wouldn't connect properly and my speeds were truly terrible! This was on the supposed fast server for what I was using, I couldn't use my fave 'app' shall we say, and when it did connect I didn't get more than just under 2mbps and I have over 70mbps on my line and that will be going to a Gig soon, can't wait! The UK is so far behind where I lived in S.E Asia for 17yrs, that it's almost laughable, but it isn't is it! 1st world England, I think not! Lulz. I hope that TZ can sort out their server maintenance and inform the users of when it's being done, or a symbol next to the server(s) would be a nice touch to let us know that it's being worked on, etc. All in all, from the abysmal Nord VPN experience I had yesterday, all evening trying to get it to work, paying more certainly doesn't mean better in my years of computer and internet experience, and most recently been proven right yet again! Last hint and tip, never connect to the internet without a VPN. Good luck out there all. Wendy.Mere

    Seneste negative bruger anmeldelser
    Dedicated ips with port forwarding not working on every location

    I am using 4 different VPN servers with dedicated IP's and port forwarding. One server in Montreal an... d one in Tokyo are running with wireguard connections in ubuntu without any problems. The server in UK stopped to establish connections with wireguard for more than a week, so I had to switch to openvpn. Also the UK server was down for two days. reported network card problems. The fourth server is located in Moscow and makes the biggest trouble. Wireguard also stopped working for about more than a week. Then I switched to openvpn. With openvpn the connections are now always established and broken after a view seconds. Trust.Zone tells, that there is a second connection present. But I have only one connection. So I assume the dedicated IP is sold to multiple users. Conclusion: The dedicated ip with port forwarding is basically cool. But when it is not working, then can't fix it, and has no money back, nor giving another ip at another location as replacement.Mere


    Start pris $9.99/måned
    Pengene-tilbage-garanti (dage) 7 Dage
    Antal enheder per licens 12 enheder
    Start pris €1.99/måned
    Pengene-tilbage-garanti (dage) 10 Dage
    Antal enheder per licens 5 enheder

    Bedste VPN sorteret efter kategori

    Bedste VPN til Danmark
    Bedste VPN for Torrents
    Bedste VPN til Windows
    Bedste VPN til Android
    Bedste VPN til Mac
    Bedste VPN til iOS
    Bedste VPN til USA


    Author Image Doris Muthuri
    Doris Muthuri Senior Skribent

    Final Verdict — Worth a Try, but Has Many Flaws TorGuard is a fairly decent VPN. It offers excellent gaming and torrenting speeds and robust security features. On the other hand, its high price, bad money-back policy, and connection issues hold it back. That’s not to mention its complicated settings. Overall, it’s worth a try, but the top VPNs offer much more value for your money. I recommend you check out this list of our top VPNs. They all provide more extensive server networks, work with popular streaming platforms, and can torrent on US servers. FAQs on TorGuard Is TorGuard any good? It is good, but there are better VPNs out there. TorGuard has solid security and privacy features. Plus, it offers excellent speeds for gaming and torrenting without delays. However, many other VPNs offer even faster speeds, larger networks, and follow proven no-logging policies. Who owns TorGuard? TorGuard was

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